The other day while I was cleaning out some desk drawers in my office, I made the mistake of opening up the drawer that I keep all my old journals in. I’ve kept a journal consistently since I was 11 years old, so I knew from the very moment that I saw the first journal, the spiral notebook with the psychedelic print on the front, that my cleaning adventures for the day were over. Sure enough, I sat on the floor of my office for the next four hours reading through the past 15 years of my life, laughing, crying, and cringing. I relived my first kiss, my first dance, my parents’ divorce, taking my brother to college, my first heartbreak, my first time really getting into trouble, my entire college experience…and I was reminded again of why I am so thankful for my mother who bought me that first journal so long ago. I got to sit in the middle of my office surrounded by my bills and papers for work, and watch myself develop into a person. Some of the stuff that I found I should probably bur...