Sometimes it seems like different areas of my life line up in this weird coincidental way and everything connects…and it is beautiful. In the educational world, we call this cross-curricular learning (which is so effective and therefore rendered useless and impossible due to testing standards, state mandated curriculum, lack of opportunities for inter-departmental communication, etc). I was listening to a song the other day driving to work. It’s by this band, Mumford and Sons, that has the same effect on me that Justin Beiber has on 95% of the female tweenage population. (The only difference is that their harmonies and lyrics have more layers than Bieberlicious’s bangs…impressive, I know). Usually, when I listen to them, I find myself shaking my head in an old-woman-sitting-in-a-Pentecostal-church-saying –“Amen!” kind of way. These are the lyrics that hit me on my way to work recently. “In these bodies we will live—in these bodies we will die Where you invest your love, you inves...