I suffer from analysis paralysis. I have a hard time committing to opinions. Ironically, I am the most opinionated about what people should do with their opinions. I wrote about this a couple years ago . (I have such analysis paralysis that it took me 5 minutes to convince myself that it wasn't too egotistical to link to an old blogpost in a new blogpost). When forming an opinion, I subconsciously consider it from the perspective of all parties involved. (I think this comes from years of reading papers from the perspective of the devil's advocate since my inability to commit to opinions seems to be getting worse and worse). It is because of this over-analysis that I have a reoccurring stress dream where I am forced to make an executive decision about something unimportant like choosing a restaurant or movie. (Stop judging me...you have your weird thing, too). It is also because of this analysis paralysis that I do not understand everyone's insistence on being so opiniona...